Website Maintenance Resources

what is website maintenance
Website Maintenance

What Is Website Maintenance

Today, more and more companies are adopting a website because they’ve understood the importance of digitizing their presence on the web. However, many of them do not know that a website is destined to evolve throughout its existence, on pain of being exposed to risks. The maintenance of a website

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Are WordPress Templates Hard To Understand?
Wordpress Website Maintenance

Are WordPress Templates Hard To Understand?

One of the important things that appears to put people off utilizing the WordPress software application by themselves website (rather than the hosted WordPress blog website) is the technical side of the procedure including WordPress themes and design templates. There’s a lot of speak about code, PHP, CSS and lots

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Internet Marketing

Utilizing Web Site Promotion Services To Market Your Web Site

Have you thought about using web site promo services If you are searching for a smart, brand-new method to market your web site, you may wish to examine some of the various website promo services that can do the work for you. Website promo services design and execute specialized website

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9 Web-Marketing Principles That Make A Difference
Internet Marketing

9 Web-Marketing Principles That Make A Difference

1. Think Audiences Not Markets Employ a specialist to help you with your Web-business issues and one of the first questions he or she will ask is, what’s your market? How about eighteen to thirty-four year old, single male college graduates with a pet dog called Spot; or perhaps forty-five

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How can you tell if your website is a good site?
Website Maintenance

How can you tell if your website is a good site?

Ask Yourself The Following Questions To Know If Your Website is a good website.  Who cares? What are you looking for? What type of visitors do you have? What is your top priority? How should you measure your success? An Excellent Website Is a Web Site That Works! How can

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